Price (includes p&p)
CMAA Members: £20
Non Members: £60
Course Manual
To compliment the programme and ensure the correct structuring we have developed a
50 page Instructors Training and Reference Manual containing valuable information that
will help candidates to develop towards all three Levels of our Award and beyond as
well as helping existing Instructors with their own C.P.D.
NOTE: - If you are a CMAA member please quote your CMAA membership licence number when ordering, as your manual will not be shipped until this has been confirmed as valid.
Also contained within the manual can be found all the forms required for Risk Assessments, Accident Reporting, Teaching Assessments, Training Records etc thus making it double as a Portfolio to use in the gathering of evidence of training and development as Candidates progress.
The manual also contains sections covering the following:
* Introduction and Award Summary
* MAIUK Standards
* Additional Accredited Prior Learning
* Appeals Procedure
* Equal Opportunities Policy
* Club Management
* Complaints Procedure
* Safeguarding and Good Practice
* Avoiding Accidents
* Risk Management
* Accident Reporting
* Risk Assessments
* Lesson Planning
* Being Assessed
* Training Records
* Course Attendance Records