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Instructor Levels
Martial Arts Instructor UK is a progressive training programme based on how to teach rather than what, as such it does not matter what style of Martial Art the Candidate studies.
There are three levels in the programme that will be attained, by regular assessment, over a period of time based on age, experience, rank and ability. Unlike other programmes Martial Arts Instructor UK levels are numbered from 3 to 1 with Level 1 being the highest Level and 3 being the lowest.
Attending Training Courses
Attendance of a MAIUK course is advised as follows:
Candidates working towards Level 2: Once every 2 years
Candidates working towards Level 1: Once every 2 years
Externally Qualified Instructors taking the programme: Attendance on one course leading to Level 1 status is advised.
All Level 1 qualified: Once every 2 years OR remain active as an Instructor within the CMAA.
(Once qualified to Level 1 Instructors are advised to keep up to date with the written exam at regular intervals as questions do change from time to time).
Level 3 - Cadet Leader
The requirements of a Cadet Leader are that the Candidate must be at least 9 years old and be considered competent enough to carry out the role by their Instructor (Level 1). To gain this award they must actively assist in their club and have been assessed over a period of time.
The Cadet Leader's role within the club is:
* To assist all Level 2 and Level 1 Instructors in the smooth running of the club
* To help supervise younger students and encourage them to learn by becoming role models
* To keep training records up to date. Evidence is recorded in the Martial Arts Instructor UK training manual
* To continue to study their chosen Martial Art and progress in grade at the set level
* To continue to study the Martial Arts Instructor UK programme and eventually progress to Level 2
Level 2 - Assistant Instructor (16 years +)
The Candidate must be at least 16 years old and graded to at least 4th Kyu/Kup. If helping to teach children (under 18 years) they will have undergone a DBS check. They will have planned and run classes (at least 20) at the club while being assessed by their Instructor (Level 1). The session plan and assessment forms are included the training manual which is available from the CMAA for £20. The Candidate must cover all aspects such as Health & Safety, Safeguarding, Equality etc in order to be awarded Level 2. The assessment form, lesson plan along with the Candidates Licence / Membership book will then be sent to the CMAA who will stamp the book and issue certification.
After the award the Candidate will then begin to construct their Portfolio, within the training manual, and record ongoing training as evidence of activity, learning and development. This will be required when progressing to Level 1.
The Portfolio will contain:
1. A record of every time a session is taught. Details should include what was taught, for how long and to what age group and grades. Each entry must be signed by their Instructor (Level 1)
2. Any time they were involved in dealing with an incident / accident and what role within the Team they were given
3. Copies of accident report forms they filled out
4. Copies of all risk assessments they carried out
5. Attendance records for all training courses both in and outside of the CMAA.
6. All assessment sheets fully completed and signed by their Instructor (Level 1)
The Assistant Instructor's role within the club is:
1. To assist all Level 1 Instructors in the smooth running of the club
2. To maintain high ethical standards in coaching and prepare all sessions in advance by using the Martial Arts Instructor UK training manual
3. To keep training records up to date. Evidence is recorded in the Martial Arts Instructor UK training manual
4. To keep DBS checks up to date (every 2 years)
5. To keep First Aid up to date (every 3 years)
6. To continue to study their chosen Martial Art and progress in grade at the set level
7. To continue to study the Martial Arts Instructor UK programme and eventually progress to Level 1
Level 1* - Instructor (18 years +)
Candidates wishing to progress to Level 1 Instructors after passing 1st Dan / Degree (Black Belt) must under go the same assessment as for Level 2 with the following differences.
1. Their Portfolio will have been submitted for review.
2. They will be at least 18 years old and will be asked to plan and run sessions (min' 20) while being assessed by their own Instructor. This will then be documented as evidence in the training manual which will then be verified by another Instructor of no less than 5th Dan / Degree in rank.
3. They will have completed and passed the written examination with a pass mark in excess of 85%
(Once qualified to Level 1 Instructors are advised to keep up to date with the written exam at regular intervals as questions do change from time to time).
4. They will have undergone a DBS check within the past 2 years
*Level 1 qualification is renewable every 2 years from the date of the initial award by either:
a. Remaining active as in Instructor within the CMAA.
b. Attending a MAIUK training course.